Friday, January 30, 2009

How to make your daily life becomes Beautiful

Sometimes we feel that the day is bad and sometimes is good.
Below are the tips how to make everyday becomes Beautiful....

1. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day...

2. When You wake up in the morning, Complete the following statement :
" My purpose is to ... today"

3. Live with the 3 E's ...:




and the 3 F's... :




4. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of Six..

5. Dream more while you are awake...

6. Try to make at least 3 people smile each day...

7. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn...

Pass all your tests...

Problems are simly part of the curriculum..

that appear and fade away like Algebra class...

but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime...

8. Smile and lough more...

it will keep the energy vampires away...

May you have a fantastic day everyday...
Read more "How to make your daily life becomes Beautiful..."

Manage Your Time...

1. Take time to Think
It is the source of Power

2. Take time to Read
It is foundation of wisdom

3. Take time to Quite
It is the opportunity to seek God

4. Take time to Dream
It is the future made of

5. Take time to Pray
It is the greatest power on Earth Read more "Manage Your Time......"

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mario Teguh Show - Don't Worry be Happy

Sepulang dari shalat Jum'at beberapa hari yang lalu, tgl 09 januari! Saya duduk di ruang tamu sambil menonton TV. sebentar-sebentar ganti channel mencari program acara yang menarik.

Akhirnya saya stop ganti-ganti channel, dan keep watching di Metro TV. Saya menikmati acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways. Waktu itu Topiknya Don't Worry be Happy. Kedua orang tua saya pun ikut menikmati TV program tersebut. Satu poin yang sangat berkesan buat saya ketika Mario Teguh mengatakan bahwa

Banyak orang menghawatirkan hal-hal yang tidak sanggup mereka lakukan, mereka
tidak menyadari bahwa yang semestinya mereka khawatirkan adalah hal-hal yang
sanggup mereka lakukan namun mereka tidak melakukannya.

Saya sangat setuju sekali dengan hal ini.

Marilah kita lebih fokus kepada kemampuan dan sumberdaya yang kita miliki yang
membuat kita tetap optimis dalam upaya mencapai tujuan kita, bukan pada
kelemahan-kelemahan kita yang justru membuat kita pessimis.

Salam Antusias & Salam Sukses,


Read more "Mario Teguh Show - Don't Worry be Happy..."

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